In February we spoke of our hope that the planned AGM in January would be able to go ahead as Covid cases were on the rise again. We are glad to report that it did go ahead, although understandably with only a few members present and precautions in place. Minutes of the AGM are printed in the May Bulletin but we would highlight that the committee has not changed much with Mary taking over as Chair and Malcolm filling the position of Vice-Chair. Other officers remain unchanged.
The February social meeting went ahead although still with only small numbers in attendance. However the new speaker for the March meeting attracted a larger number of members, who were not disappointed by the evening. Richard Skinner of Tudor Wheels in Cadnam gave a fascinating and fun talk about Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, from its origin as a racing car at Brooklands to stardom in the well-known film of the same name. As Richard has some other talks we will be seeing him again.
Unfortunately the Gillingham Gathering could not go ahead after all but we are hopeful for its return in 2023.
As we write this report it is only a few days before the Spring Road Run will take place and we have an entry field of 26 vehicles. This is especially heartening when one considers the cost of fuel now-a-days. Watch out for a report on the Road Run and hopefully some photos in the August Bulletin.